There’s something absolutely wonderful about photography isn’t there? Capturing moments which may otherwise be forgotten. Since becoming a parent, particularly third time round, forgetting “the moment” is my biggest fear.
Yet, at the same time, I’m so scared I’m going to miss these moments in my trying to capture them, by seeing them through my phone rather than through my eyes- I find myself less and less reaching for my phone to capture them- and trying somehow to imprint these gloriously chaotic moments in my mind, forever.
It’s hard though. Some days I can barely remember my own name, never mind each of these precious moments I so desperately want to cherish! So you will understand my absolute delight when I won a home shoot with Lisa Devine Photography at the Nursery Fundraiser a couple of months back.
We’ve both known Lisa for years, having been members of the Wedding Collective gang since it all began back in it’s humble beginnings. We have always loved Lisa’s work. Her relaxed approach and creative style appeals to all of our senses.
We knew we wanted to simply invite Lisa round for an hour (or two) on a Saturday afternoon and trust her completely to capture us , just as we are. I didn’t want to try and plan anything or have any expectations on our kids, but simply let them be, as they are, in the comfortable surroundings of their own home, in clothes which they had chosen themselves (well, Suri being the exception!).

“You’re blessed when you’re content with exactly who you are. No more, no less. That’s the moment you’re the proud owners of everything that can’t be bought.”

This may sound easier than it is, for me anyway. You see, there’s a bit of a perfectionist in me whom I have to quash at times when she rises up. I know I’m not alone in this. Not only do I want to Zeke’s “garden shoes” (aka hideous crocs) on the right feet, but I want him to co-ordinate with his siblings, in gorgeously cute, curated outfits which suit the tone of the season. I love dressing them up – it’s one of my joys of being a parent. I have three of my own little human dolls.
Except, they’re not dolls, are they? They are my kids with strong, (VERY STRONG!) minds of their own. Kids I love with every inch of my being. And the more I let go, the more I just relax and relish in their joy for life and stop sweating the small stuff, the more content we all can be.
So, here is said day, when I did let them choose their own clothes. And we simply enjoyed our day in our home.
Just us. With our babies. Memories (and pictures) we will cherish forever.
Thank you Lisa Devine.