The standard bemusement has hit… yet another year is coming to a close and the general consensus in the studio is that 2017 has passed like lightning. Whilst we were super busy having fun, raising 2 small people, travelling here there and everywhere and generally doing all we can to keep producing the stationery we (and you) utterly love, is it really any wonder?!
It’s roundup time, and there is SO MUCH to be writing about; whittling it down has most definitely been the hardest, but wonderful task. It’s not until you sit down with a cuppa and a chocolate (or three) and truly look at it that you realise how much excitement you can cram into a single year. It’s been incredible, on both personal and professional levels; celebrating big birthdays, meeting wonderful clients and bringing our brand to a wider audience who are all just so lovely!
Our roundup could only ever start one way – Jack- wonder husband/ male counterpart of E.Y.I.LOVE turned T H I R T Y! Celebrating this milestone in style and with our gorgeous family was key so we headed towards the sun and spent a glorious fortnight amongst palm trees and sandy beaches on the Mexican coast. We had an amazing time and this break left us truly refreshed before what has been an incredibly busy wedding season for us. (A special thank you at this point to anyone who took the time to wish Jack a happy birthday, all of your kind words are always truly appreciated) Other huge personal memories include close friends tying the knot, our parents silver wedding, becoming godparents to our beloved Vivi and how could we not mention our boys turning two and five, with Judah starting at school! SERIOUSLY, where does the time go?!

2017 has also seen our studio has been busier than ever, which is amazing and challenging all at the same time. Our team have been incredible and we are so thankful for each of them. Duncan, incredible calligrapher and friend, has barely put his pen down this year, with everyone desperate for some of his inked magic! Favourite collections have definitely been the Sofia and variants of Naomi & Lana; 2017 couples have appreciated sleeker lines in soft subtle hues with flashes of texture from duplexed boards and hints of luxe from glorious gilded edging.

Another milestone was launching our N E W W E B S I T E this year. HUGE thanks to Stu at Massive Fusion who has been an absolute legend (not to to mention having the patience of an absolute saint as I know more than anyone- I am a very demanding client) Working hard on continuing our chosen minimalist aesthetic and using some of the incredible new imagery as shot by the ever-fabulous Craig and Eva Sanders, this website revamp focused heavily on our wedding offering. We have aimed to showcase not just our invitations, but all the luxe added extras that you can choose to make your celebration stand out through stationery (look out for more in the new year) We have ummed and ahhhed, laughed and stressed about the changes, and this process helped to truly hone what it is that makes our brand unique. 2017 has definitely been a year for learning and growth!

Ahhh, B R I D E S, how could we not mention you in our roundup of all things amazing in 2017? There have been whispers of a dying wedding industry in the UK from certain papers which shall not be named this year, but when you attend a show like Brides, travelling to London to see some of the best in the business exhibit beautiful products in a top class fashion, you realise just how alive and thriving the wedding industry is here. We love the mix of mediums, from fashion to planning, music to mastery in cake form and everything in between, catering to all the most stylish of wedding needs (read our roundup of our time in London here). A veritable melting pot of lovely, dedicated businesses striving for sheer perfection in their individual craft really sets the heart alight and makes us as business owners feel linked to others in beautiful yet intangible ways!

We couldn’t shout out Brides without mentioning our own amazing scottish shows with the W E D D I N G C O L L E C T I V E. As ever these shows display the incredible independent talent within the wedding industry in Scotland, and we are so lucky to be able to work alongside people we genuinely consider both valued industry colleagues and true friends. Look out for the ever wonderful collaborative shoots, kind words and epic real life weddings created by this crew, they are totally marvellous!

It wouldn’t be a true reflection of 2017 if we didn’t mention our amazing clients! This year has seen some absolutely unbelievable real weddings, with beautiful celebrations like those of Rebecca & Craig and Jill & Colin being an utter joy for Lyndsey, our content creator, to blog about! Each and every one of our clients is totally unique, and being part of the journey to their big days is such a privilege. Here’s to many more adventures, unexpected combinations and crazy yet brilliant requests with you lovely folks in 2018! A huge thank you also to our photographer buddies The Curries, Craig & Eva and The Gibsons for the pics here too.

Looking forward to the new year, we are so proud of things to come. S P O I L E R S, we hear you cry? Well we can reveal a select few I suppose… 2018 will see us become sponsors of the M O S T C U R I O U S Wedding Fair. We are so excited to be part of this incredible mix of suppliers and to try out a new show with yet another new audience! Nervous? Yes definitely, but we know it will be worth it to get to chat to some more fantastic couples and see our beautiful brand which we work so hard on appreciated by new faces. Plus, this has to be one of the most stylish, quirky and downright awesome shows around, so we will definitely keep you all posted!
A new year means N E W C O L L E C T I O N S and we hope to continue working with luscious nude palettes and minimal lines to create bold, beautiful designs for all our new couples.

L A U N C H I N G new products is always great, and we are pleased to say that we will soon be offering a new personalised stationery collection for those of you whose weddings are over but still want more EYiLove, or those who favour pen and paper and the loving touch of the handwritten. We’ve got you covered and we cannot wait to see how this new product line develops!

And there you have it, 2017, rounded up in just a few short paragraphs, but with so much crammed in, we wonder how it all happened in just 365 days?! We’ll not keep you any longer from your mulled wine and mistletoe shenanigans (many of you are newlyweds after all) but we’d love to say thank you again to everyone who has shown us some love this year. For those who have used our stationery to grace their gorgeous celebrations in 2017 and all who continue to support us, as a business and as a family… we wouldn’t be writing this without you. We truly are so, so grateful for you. And with that, let us wish you all the Merriest of Christmas’s.
May your Christmas be full of LOVE, JOY, PEACE and WONDER as we celebrate the greatest love ever known
Jack & Lorna